Bioscope Limited

General Experience

Sl No. Name of The Work Description of the Work Area Date of the contract Procuring Entity
1 Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs for Economic Empowerment Project (3rd Phase)


– Provide trainer through outsourcing on Business management, Beautification, Bee and Masroom Cultivation, Fashion Design, Interior Decoration & Catering Service 30 training centers in 30 upazilas/district of Bangladesh.


Total 120 Trainers at 30 selected upazilas in Bangladesh June 2016 – June 2020 JATIYO MOHILA

SANGSTHA, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

2 Establishment of 20 Day Care Centre Project – Providing 182 nos staff through outsourcing for Management of Daycare of children of working women 20 Centre of the Country May 2018- August 2020 DWA, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs


3 Bara Ashulia Working women hostel projecr – Provide various Types of manpower for the project management Ashulia August 2018 to May 2020 Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
4 Kaliganj Working Women hostel and Daycare Center Establishment – Provide various Types of manpower for the project management Kaliganj, Gazipur May 2018 to May 2020 Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
5 IGA project at Upazilla Level


– Providing trainer through outsourcing for training on IGAs ( Motor Driving Training on 8 Division)



8 Division 2018-2021 DWA, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs


6 IGA project at Upazilla Level


– Providing trainer through outsourcing for training on IGAs (Electric and Electronic equipment training at 64 districts)



64 Districts including 2018-2021 DWA, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs


7 Skill and Training Enhancement Project (STEP) – Event Management

– Awareness Building

– Training Management

– Supply of Training equipment

Dhaka 2018 Department of Technical Education
8 HYSAWA-Hygienic Sanitation and Water Supply –    Need assessment

–    Facilitate the Union Parisad

–    Water supply

–    Installation of Sanitary latrine

–    Training

– Advocacy and workshop

All the upazilas of Rajshahi district 2008-2011 HYSAWA
9 Baseline Survey on HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (HAPP) for Brothel Based Sex Workers Khulna Division –          Review of literature,

–          Questionnaire development,

–          Field test and necessary correction,

–          Selection of enumerators and orientation,

–          Data collection and checking, data entry and processing and data analysis

– Report writing and submission.

Khulna, Bagerhat, Jessore and  Magura district 2012 UNICEF Dhaka Office
10 Awareness Campaigning on HIV/AIDS/STD –          Field survey

–          Group formation

–          Group discussion

–          Information dissemination through folk song, street theater, drama etc.

–          Training on HIV/AIDS/STD

– Billboard preparation & installation

Feni sadar, Dagonbhiyan & Chagalnya Upzila of Feni District 2009-2011 Gonobangla, USA


11 Disable Development dentification, group formation, awareness building


Dhaka Ctiy, Narsigndi and Netrakona


2013-2014 Jatiya Protibodhi Foundation
12 Awareness Campaign on conservation of nature –          Formation of Resource Users Group & Mobilization

–          Skill development training

–          Sharing Meeting with Resource Users and PMU

–          Organize Workshop at Group Level


Rajshahi District 2011-2013 Gonobangla, USA


13 Nutritional Initiative Project –          Baseline survey

–          Mobilization and identification of target households

–          Training of destitute families in vegetable gardening

–          Establishment of home gardening

–          Extension activities and nutritional education

– Supervision & monitoring

Kaliakoir upazila of Gazipur 2010-2013 World Trade Inc., U.S.A


14 Integrated Area Development Project (IADP) ·         Conduct baseline survey

·         Farmer selection

·         Group Formation

·         Training on different IGAs

·         Savings mobilization

·         Credit support

·         Graduation

–          Follow up & monitoring

Kotalipara upazila of Gopalgonj district 2014-2015 Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE)
15 Pabna-Natore-Shirajgonj Integrated Area Development Project ·         Group formation

·         Skill development training

·         Credit support

–    Follow-up & monitoring

Ullapara upazila of Sirajgonj district 2009-2011 BADC,  Krishi Bhaban 49-51, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000.
16 Community Based Fisheries Management Project Phase-II  (CBFM-2) ·         Conduct baseline survey

·         Mobilize poor community people and fishers and Form group of fishers and poor community people.

·         Provide skill training to the beneficiaries

·         Provide capacity building training to the office bearer of CBOs.

Kaliakoir Upzila of Gazipur district 2013-2016 The World Fish Center, Dhaka Office.
17 National Health and Sanitation Program –          Conduct baseline survey

–          Awareness training

–          Meson man Selection

–          Entrepreneurship Development

–          Ring-slab distribution

–          M

Atpara, Modan, Netrakona Sadar, Barhatta, Kendua and Purbadhala of Netrakona district 2015-2016 Department of Public Health Engineering-DPHE, Shegunbagicha, Dhaka
18 Mobilization, Group Formation and Capacity Building of Women of Labour Contracting Society

·         Labor Contracting Society-LCS Women member mobilization

·         Baseline survey

·         Group Formation

·         Training of LCS women member

·         Facilitation for establishing women market selection

Training of Selected women traders and shop owners

Noakhali, Feni and Laxmipur 2006-2009 Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)

Monthly Hiring Charge Basis


·         Car Supply
(Microbus-3)·         Fuel and Driver Supply

Dhaka, Netrakona, Mymenshingh 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2020 (Gharoni)
Grassroots Health and Rural Organization for Nutrition Initiative

Monthly Hiring Charge Basis


·         Microbus Service

Microbus-3 (Hiace                                                        Super Gl)

·         Fuel and Driver Supply


Tangail, Savar,  Gazipur 2016-2018 Udoy,

An Organization of Socio Economic Development



Monthly Hiring Charge Basis


·         Microbus Service
Microbus-5 (Hiace Super Gl)·         Fuel, Gas and Driver Supply


Rajshahi Division 2017-2022 Bangladesh Connection.

Monthly Hiring Charge Basis


·         Microbus Service
Microbus-10 (Prado, Land Cruiser, Square Noha, Allion Car-2, Hiace Super Gl-5)·         Fuel, Gas and Driver Supply


Dhaka, Chittagong, Mymenshingh, Netrokona 2018-Till Now Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)