Bioscope Limited


Activities of Bioscope Ltd.

Manpower Supply through Outsourcing in Women empowerment :


Bioscope Ltd. is working as a manpower supplier for Ministry Of Women and Children Affairs under the project Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs for Economic Empowerment Project (3rd Phase). Here Bioscope Ltd supplies highly skilled Catering and interior Decoration trainer and Provide training on individually Catering & Interior Decoration to 600 batches of women participants (25 per batch) in 30 training centers in 30 upazilas/district of Bangladesh.


Name of the employer: Jatiyo Mohila Sangstha (National Women Organization), Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Bangladesh Government, 145, New Baily Road, Dhaka-1000. Duration of the Project: June 2016 – June 2020


Manpower Supply through Outsourcing in 20 Day Care Centre of DWA:

Bioscope Ltd. is working as a manpower supplier and training management for Ministry Of Women and Children Affairs under the project 20 Daycare of the Country .


Name of the employer: Department of Women Affairs, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Bangladesh Government.


Bioscope Ltd. is involved with short film, issue based documents, spots etc. for message throwing among the people. The firm directly involved with advertising activities in health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS related message throwing and product marketing. It produced 12 different issue based documentary and advertise the documents through private TV channel and radio. The firm also involved with advertising of services of some NGOs for training and accommodation.

Bioscope Ltd. has good experience in developing handicraft related short documents and used local paper and dish connection for advertising the products among the target people. The products pictures were broadcasted through dish channel and use the local paper for advertising the handicrafts.

Using indigenous cultural forms to advance the development process is one of Bioscope’s unique innovations. As an effective tool for advertising any activities, services, and products, the cultural events proved very successful. Bioscope Ltd. institutionalized this approach and brought such activities under people cultural program. From the very beginning of this program, Bioscope Ltd. extended the use of these traditional cultural forms to advertise issues and to fight against social injustice.

Interior Decoration & Event Management:

Though Bioscope Limited is working as a Bioscope Ltd. is working as a Trainer supplier for Ministry Of Women and Children Affairs under the project Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs for Economic Empowerment Project (3rd Phase). Here Bioscope Ltd supplies highly skilled Catering and interior Decoration trainer and Provide training on individually Catering & Interior Decoration to 600 batches of women participants (25 per batch) in 30 training centers in 30 upazilas/district of Bangladesh.


Implementing IGA Training Project in 64 District:

Bioscope Limited is now implementing Income Generation Assessment (IGA) project of Ministry of Women Affairs, where we have to provide training on Electric and Electrical Training in 64 districts in every batch there are 30 women and they are being trade for 360 hours trade course in respective subjects for six months to make women self-employed and confident.


Under this IGA project Bioscope Ltd also conducting a training program of Motor Driving training for women over 8 Divisional Town of the country where 30 women are being trained in every batch and each batch contains 360 hours of time duration. And the time duration of the both project is from 2018-2020.



Organize Video Screening:


Bioscope Ltd. has been arranging video screening for advertising different activities or services and disseminates messages. The firm organized a total of 117 video screening on HIV/AIDS, health, nutrition and gender issues at 117 important spots in Netrokona, Jessore, Chittagong, Feni and Dhaka during 2009 to Mid 2015. The video were screened for advertising some specific issues and throwing information among the target people. The community people became aware about the transmission process of HIV/AIDS, health rights, nutrition, gender rights, etc.


Poster, Leaflet and Sticker Publication and Distribution:

Bioscope Ltd. uses the print media such as Poster, Leaflet and Sticker for disseminating information among the wide section of people. Since 2008, the firm published 1,000 posters, 10,000 leaflets and 5,000 stickers in each year and distributed among the community people.


Besides these, Bioscope Ltd. has ten years long experience in advertising activities in the field of advertising. The institution has direct advertising related work experience which is the main strength for the proposed services:




TV Advertisement

TV Advertisement is not only one of the most important marketing tools, it is the highest important tool to reach customer. Bioscope TV advertisement team can develop unique creative idea and make it happen with highest professional touch. The institution not only develop the ad, through our long-term good relations with TV channels, yet they arrange the airing facilities in a reduce price for our clients.


Radio advertisement

Bioscope creative team also develop radio ad. Considering the audience of the radio, the institution develops and initiates the idea of the radio ad.


Newspaper Advertisement and Publishing

Publishing ad in the daily Newspaper is one of the most important marketing tools and it’s the biggest customer facing brand element you can have. As a marketing tool it communicates with your readers and generates leads for other’s business. Bioscope’s graphics designer can make creative Newspaper ad for others.


Bioscope long-term media relationship also arrange reduced price for publishing newspaper ad. It is difficult to have a slot in popular newspaper within short notice. The institution’s team takes the challenges for the clients.

TV Advertisement

TV Advertisement is not only one of the most important marketing tools, it is the highest important tool to reach customer. Bioscope TV advertisement team can develop unique creative idea and make it happen with highest professional touch. The institution not only develop the ad, through our long-term good relations with TV channels, yet they arrange the airing facilities in a reduce price for our clients.


Radio advertisement

Bioscope creative team also develop radio ad. Considering the audience of the radio, the institution develops and initiates the idea of the radio ad.


Newspaper Advertisement and Publishing

Publishing ad in the daily Newspaper is one of the most important marketing tools and it’s the biggest customer facing brand element you can have. As a marketing tool it communicates with your readers and generates leads for other’s business. Bioscope graphics designer can make creative Newspaper ad for others.


Bioscope long-term media relationship also arrange reduced price for publishing newspaper ad. It is difficult to have a slot in popular newspaper within short notice. The institution’s team takes the challenges for the clients.


Event management

An event is a means to understand your predilection. Bioscope event management team can organize event for the clients even within a short time. The institution arranges mega events based on themes, invite artists even from outside the country. It also negotiates with TVs to air any mega event. Bioscope team also provides small events for its clients.

Overseas Training

Bioscope training management team can organize overseas or national or local for the clients even within a short time. The institution arranges mega events based on themes, invite artists even from outside the country.


Bioscope’s Own Online Paper and TV

Bioscope Limited is very much rich in IT sector. Bioscope has own online portal named and IP TV named